The updated club development plan was published last week, and it was great to see that the club has lots of ambitious ideas for the next four years. Thanks to all those who’ve contributed so far.
To make these ideas become a reality we need lots of volunteers. Some areas, such as the racing team and inclusivity have already made a strong start. But chair Darren has highlighted five areas in particular where we could do with more help –
- Social Media Secretary
- PRO/sub-committee to take forward club branding
- Funding Secretary/sub committee to apply for grants
- Sportive sub-committee
- Youth sub-committee
Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience – as long as you’re enthusiastic and prepared to do some work, there will be plenty of advice and support from the main club committee. If you’re interested in any of the areas in the plan (or if you didn’t get a copy of the plan), email