Trail Quest on Tuesday 25th – All Welcome

admin   June 20, 2024   Comments Off on Trail Quest on Tuesday 25th – All Welcome

You might be asked about the horse at number 43…

The weather forecast for next Tuesday’s Trail Quest is looking great, so make sure to pencil it into your diaries now! There’s no entry fee – just turn up on the night.

For those who haven’t tried one before, a Trail Quest is a cross between a treasure hunt and orienteering. You’re given a map and a list of clues, and you have to get round as many as possible in 90 minutes. You can ride individually or as a team (but teams must stay together – no splitting up to try and find more clues!). There are more points for more distant clues, but there are lots of clues close to the HQ as well to cater for all abilities. To get a feel for what they’re like, click here for a report from our last one in May, and here or here for last year’s events.

Headquarters this time are at The Conservatory, Balloo. Riders/teams can start between 6.30pm and 7pm, with tea and a bun at the finish. Big prizes – don’t miss out 🙂
