Trail Quest Results

admin   June 25, 2024   Comments Off on Trail Quest Results

Conditions were perfect for tonight’s second club trail quest, with riders searching for clues to the south and west of Balloo.

Thanks to Peter Burrows at The Conservatory for some tasty treats at the finish.

The scores on the doors (literally…)

The Swifties took top team with a girl

And D&D were first team with a boy. And they got back in time for the England game :-)

Team “Are we Last?” rued their decision to run for home early, finishing with 6 minutes still on the clock.

The Cuatro Amigos missed second place by just 5 points.

The Busketeers took second, despite struggling to find that elusive up-side-down horse..

Team “Speak to me Goose” were clear winners. The committee of commissaires is reviewing their missing wind vane claim, but they would still be far enough ahead to win without those points. Impressive!

And for the record, here are the official answers.

1. When was Anderson Memorial Hall built? Answer – 1898

2. According to the Pump Track rules, when can it be used? Answer – In daylight only.

3. When did the Rev. John Livingston begin his ministry in Killinchy? Answer – 1630.

4. When was Killinchy Orange Hall erected? Answer – 1921.

5. How many white rocks at no.37’s entrance? Answer – 4.

6. What’s the name of house no. 3? Answer – Tullycore Cottage.

7. Who built the red barn? Answer – Potts & Houston Ltd.

8. What’s the name of house no. 31? Answer – Islandbane House (but we also accepted “The Boat House” Islandbane).

9. What’s the view from no. 34? Answer – Simmy.

10. Who built the green barn? Answer – Peden.

What’s the name of house no. 135? Answer – The Shieling.

12. What’s the name of the burial ground? Answer – Killareasy (Gulp!)

13. When was 171a Clay Road built? Answer – 1837.

14. What is no. 1’s relationship with bees? Answer – Honeycomb.

15. According to the stone, what 4 house numbers are down the lane? Answer – 3, 5, 7, 9

16. How many chains at the end of the quay? Answer – 2 (only 1 shown here…)

17. How many metal studs in the road at the junction? Answer – 4

18. How many horseshoes beside the defibrillator? Answer – 5 (gulp!)

19. Who’s music is at number 43? Answer – Millstone.

20. How many whole circles in no. 30’s gates? Answer – 68 (plus 4 halves)

21. What animals are on the tree at no. 93? Answer – 2 squirrels.

22. How many horses on no. 41’s wind vane? Answer – 3.

23. What year was no. 64A built? Answer – 1862

24. Who made the red water pump opposite no. 14? Answer – D. Adams Ballymena.

25. What animals are on the pillars at nos. 24&26? Answer – otters?

26. Take a photo of the bird beside the upside down horse at no. 43.

27. Take a picture of your team on the quay.